Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An Introduction of Sorts...

So I suppose, if someone stumbled upon this post, their train of thought would flow something like this:

Oh, look, another blog...

This must be the first post, what with the title...

Okay, so far this introduction isn't all crap...

I wonder if this is just another blog in the sea that is the mighty blogosphere...probably...

All right, so maybe your train of thought doesn't exactly roll like that, but I'm going to just assume that it went something vaguely like that.

So to answer the half-question that is the last statement, yes, technically this is just another blog in the sea that is the mighty blogosphere, but I'm hoping it's not another normal blog in the sea that is the mighty blogosphere.

I suppose I should get on with the introduction, then...

Basic facts about the organism-that-is-me:

Name: Ha, like I'm going to broadcast that to the Internet! For all intents and purposes, I am Darkened Owl to you. Or Owl. Whichever is easier for you to type.
Age: No specific number, but it is somewhere between 15 and 20. Good luck guessing.
Gender: Female. No, I will not be your girlfriend.
Sexual Orientation: You know, five years ago this wouldn't be something people would actively want to know (unless they had a crush on someone, I guess...). Anyway, I'm straight. AND JUST BECAUSE I AM STRAIGHT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I HATE GAYS AND LESBIANS AND BISEXUALS AND TRANSGENDER PEOPLE. Just so we're clear...
Appearance: If you are my friend on Facebook, you know what I look like. If you are not my friend on Facebook, here are a few general descriptors: brunette, pale, brown eyes, short-ish, fairly freckled, is sometimes seen wearing glasses.
Personality: If I seriously tried to describe all aspects of my personality here and now, I don't think I would ever be able to post this post, so again, here are some general descriptors: quiet, friendly, random (sometimes), hyper (sometimes), somewhat OCD, bookish, creative, particular, um...
Likes (a short list in no particular order): Owls, penguins, PIXAR animation studios, snakes, geckos, dogs, birds, art, outer space, the Indian flute, bread, reading, learning, Disney, wolves, whales, horses, trees, water, the ocean, California, the cello, Black Beauty, Alaska, The Black Stallion, Imogen Heap, Linkin Park, Antarctica, Ellie Goulding, Australia, chocolate, New Zealand, Bhutan,Wreck It Ralph, Nepal, blue, leaves, purple, campfires, the harp, cozy places, origami, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, comfortable clothes, green, rivers, making things, learning new skills, drawing, writing, orange, the sky, heirlooms, skeleton keys, Native American culture, fish, eating fish, Italian food, pizza, sushi, ducks, wind, rain, seaweed, seashells, nature, forests, waterfalls, crocheting, Sarah McLachlan, The Piano Guys, Loreena McKennitt..
Dislikes (a short list in no particular order): The Pocahontas movie (because it's historically inaccurate), politics, asparagus, tuna that tastes like seawater and sand, rude people, curse words, when people speak of sex unnecessarily, nude art (it's just weird...), politicians, pushy atheists, rude religious people, cheaply made stuff, cauliflower, when spiders crawl on me, horror movies, the smell of alcohol, smoke (I can feel it making my lungs tighten...seriously), being landlocked, people who discriminate against LGBTs, LGBTs who are rude to straight people for no reason, cats (most of them), cicadas, mosquitoes, steamed spinach

Okay, those were long lists... to wrap this abridged autobiography up, I'm just going to list a few more facts about myself...

I live in the USA, I'm the oldest of 4 children, my parents are happily married, my family has 2 crazy mutts, I gave my sister a frog and she killed it with soap, I'm home schooled, all three of my siblings have a fear of bees (I don't), I'm nocturnal, I am severely annoyed by Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, and Ke$ha (and I'm not afraid to say it), space fascinates me, if I could give myself some crazy physical feature, I would give myself working wings, James Patterson ruined the Maximum Ride series.

Okay, so that last one wasn't really about me, but I'm severely annoyed by it.

One other thing you should know is that I have two mascots/muses that pop up everywhere. They're best friends, both male, and species that I came up with on my own...sort of.

So, without further delay, meet

Trevor the Feather Snake and Ridley the Owl Quail!!

Trevor the Feather Snake, Ridley the Owl Quail, and art ©DarkenedOwl 

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