Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm Baaaack...

So I've kind of disappeared from the Internet this past week because life decided to become insane all at once. :| Here's an explanation:

This week I've been babysitting a 3-year-old from 8AM-5PM, starting on Monday, ending today. I've been busy keeping up with this energetic little guy and helping him with the things he needs.

Then on Monday my mom went into the hospital because she'd been having trouble with her gall bladder and the pain finally got to be too much. I'll just give you my Facebook updates because those all explain the situation pretty well...

Tuesday, in response to someone asking how my mom was doing: "Not sure. She said she had a rough night and was off food until they did a test this morning. My dad came home to work while they were still doing it at around 9:30-10 and we haven't been able to get a hold of her since. We figure she's either sleeping it off or having another test done."
Tuesday night: "Visited Mom tonight after going to the temple. She said she was doing okay, but starving because they're not letting her eat or drink. The doctors know that they're going to remove the gall bladder, it's just a matter of when they decide to do it. They say that her gall bladder is full of 'sludge' (basically sand) and that it probably backed up, which irritated and freaked out the pancreas. So the pancreas is flipping out and the gall bladder is backed up, so that accounts for all the pain. The problem is that when the pancreas is swollen and irritated, it becomes extremely sensitive; so sensitive that just bumping it in surgery can cause other problems. So the pancreas will have to calm down some before they can remove the gall bladder. Mom is meeting with the surgeon(or doctor) tomorrow and they'll tell her what the plan is."

Wednesday morning: "Just found out that Mom is, indeed, going to have surgery today at 12:30. Please send prayers or thoughts hoping that the surgeon's hands will be guided and all attending to her will be working in full clarity. The prayers we've received already are greatly appreciated, and I know Mom appreciates the support and love she's being shown."
Wednesday night: "Just got home from visiting Mom. The surgery went well and she's doing okay, but in quite a fog from the morphine. She's recovered enough to laugh at Karissa's and my shenanigans, so that's definitely a good sign. :)
The surgeon did find a cyst on one of her ovaries that was about 3 inches. They left it alone because they want her to recuperate and they want to make sure it's not cancerous. They're going to monitor it's growth (or lack thereof) and consult with an OB/GYN and decide on when they're going to remove it. Overall, though, she's doing really well and seems to be healing quickly for having just had surgery."

Thursday afternoon: "Visited Mom a little bit ago; she was sleeping, so I didn't stay long. She's doing better, she's off oxygen and her IV. Still pretty sore and physically drained, I think. But better."

Today: "Found out yesterday that Mom gets to come home today!! So glad she won't have to spend Mother's Day in the hospital. She's meeting with the OB/GYN today to discuss the cyst on her ovary. She said yesterday that she doesn't want it to stay, but she'd certainly rather not have another surgery (this one would have to be more invasive). We all really appreciate all of the prayers that have been sent out for her, and I feel kind of bad for asking for a few more, but I would be incredibly thankful if anyone would be willing to pray that the cyst will be taken care of in the best way possible, whether through surgery or it breaking down & disappearing on its own.
Again, thank you everyone for all of the prayers and well wishes! We all truly appreciate and are thankful for them. :)"

Today, 46 minutes ago: "The OB/GYN has studied the cyst and says that it will probably burst and be absorbed back into the body, and believes that the contents of it are not cancerous or dangerous to her. They'll probably have her go back in for an ultrasound in several weeks to see what it's been doing, but otherwise she gets to come home and recuperate from her surgery. As of now she's just waiting for the hospital doctor to discharge her, and should be home around noon."

So my dad and I are anxiously waiting for her to be discharged while my siblings are at school. This whole experience has been eye-opening for me. I never felt that my mother was in mortal danger, but yesterday I was slammed emotionally with a longing for her to just be home, back to normal, and able to give me a hug and talk to me. It's made me realize how dependent I still am on her emotionally. I'm glad that she'll be home for Mother's Day, and I'm relieved that this experience is ending and we're moving to the recovery stage now. I'm thankful for the things this whole endeavor has taught me, and I'm really thankful for the family and friends who have shown support, given well-wishes, and prayed for her and my family. I'm just overall really happy that everything went well, when it could have taken a turn for the worse at any time.

So just to update you art-wise, I have a bunch of drawings to scan and post, I've just been too busy to get to it (and my mom's computer, the only one the scanner will work with, is with her at the hospital). My family's doing well, and after a low evening yesterday I'm feeling much better. :)

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